Youth RFP Released
On Friday, March 1, 2019, the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, under the advisement of the Chief Local Elected Officials of the Counties of Washington, Greene and Beaver in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, released a Request for Proposals for Youth Services for the Workforce Innovation and Investment Act (WIOA) and Transitional Aid for Needy Families (TANF) program in the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Area. All additional information can be found in the full RFP release. Interested parties can obtain the request for proposals here, by emailing, or by contacting Washington Greene County Job Training Agency, Inc. 351 West Beau Street, Suite 300 Washington, PA 15301 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (724) 229-5083. Proposals are due on or before 4:00 pm, April 1, 2019.