First Southwest Corner WDB PACL Go-And-See
On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, The PA CareerLink® Mon Valley hosted the first Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board “Go-And-See” for local board members. Board members were treated to a tour of the facilities, introduction to partners staff, and details on what a visitor experiences when visiting the center for services. Staff then explained how the data captured by the visit is used for state performance requirements. This activity will be repeated at all other PACL centers in the Southwest Corner.
Pictured from left are
- Rich Strother, Job Training for Beaver County, Inc. WIOA Program Manger
- Terry Wiltrout, Washington Health Systems Greene County President/ SCWDB Chairman
- Cindy Derrico, Southwest Training Services, Inc. Vice-President
- Donna Ramusivich, Mon Valley Hospital Quality/Risk Management Senior Vice-President
- Ami Gatts, SCWDB Director
- Katie Hager, DMI Companies Workforce Development Manager