First Southwest Corner WDB PACL Go-And-See

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, The PA CareerLink® Mon Valley hosted the first Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board “Go-And-See” for local board members. Board members were treated to a tour of the facilities, introduction to partners staff, and details on what a visitor experiences when visiting the center for services. Staff then explained how the data captured by the visit is used for state performance requirements. This activity will be repeated at all other PACL centers in the Southwest Corner.

Pictured from left are

  • Rich Strother, Job Training for Beaver County, Inc. WIOA Program Manger
  • Terry Wiltrout, Washington Health Systems Greene County President/ SCWDB Chairman
  • Cindy Derrico, Southwest Training Services, Inc. Vice-President
  • Donna Ramusivich, Mon Valley Hospital Quality/Risk Management Senior Vice-President
  • Ami Gatts, SCWDB Director
  • Katie Hager, DMI Companies Workforce Development Manager

Youth RFP Released

On Friday, March 1, 2019, the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, under the advisement of the Chief Local Elected Officials of the Counties of Washington, Greene and Beaver in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, released a Request for Proposals for Youth Services for the Workforce Innovation and Investment Act (WIOA) and Transitional Aid for Needy Families (TANF) program in the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Area. All additional information can be found in the full RFP release. Interested parties can obtain the request for proposals here, by emailing, or by contacting Washington Greene County Job Training Agency, Inc. 351 West Beau Street, Suite 300 Washington, PA 15301 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (724) 229-5083.  Proposals are due on or before 4:00 pm, April 1, 2019.

RFP Released

RFP Released

On Monday, February 4, 2019, the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, under the advisement of the Chief Local Elected Officials of the Counties of Washington, Greene and Beaver in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, released a Request for Proposals for Program Management of Southwest Corner Workforce Development Area Activities.  Activities will be primarily focused on Incumbent Worker Training recruitment and Next Generation Industry Partnership activities. Additional information can be found in the full RFP release. Interested parties can obtain the request for proposals here, by emailing, or by contacting Washington Greene County Job Training Agency, Inc. 351 West Beau Street, Suite 300 Washington, PA 15301 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (724) 229-5083.

Proposals are due on or before 4:00 pm, March 6, 2019.

2018 CCBC Career Fair

Greene County Youth Career Fair

The Greene County Consortium of School Counselors is in the process of planning its 2018 Career Awareness Day for all 8th and 11th grade students in the county.  Event held on Thursday, MARCH 15th, 2018 at Waynesburg Armory.  Vendor registration and set up from 7:15-8:00 and the fair runs from 8:00-11:00.

See the attached flyer for registration info.

Apprenticeship Readiness Program (ARP)

Interested in a career in the Building Trades?

Want to get a head-start on acceptance into one of 16 local trade unions?

This program is for you and available at no cost!


Visit your local PA CareerLink office – ask for ARP application or call 724-728-4860.

See the flyer below for more information on this program

Local Plans Released for Comment

The Southwest Pennsylvania WIOA Planning Region, incorporating Allegheny County Workforce Development Area, City of Pittsburgh Workforce Development Area, Southwest Corner Workforce Development Area, Tri-County Workforce Development Area, and Westmoreland Fayette Workforce Development Area is releasing its Multi-Year Regional Plan for Operations under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.  Also, the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, incorporating Beaver, Greene and Washington Counties in Pennsylvania is releasing its Multi-Year Local Plan.

The Southwest Pennsylvania WIOA Planning Regional Plan can be found here.

The Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board can be found here.

All plans are available for comment for a 30-day period through August 24, 2017.  Comments can be submitted to via email to  Please include in the subject line of the email if your comment pertains to the Southwest Regional Plan or Southwest Corner Local Plan.

Expungement Workshop

PA CareerLink Mon Valley is hosting an expungement workshop on Tuesday, July 18, 2017.  Start time is at 10:00am.  Jim Hanna from Washington County Domestic Relations will be on hand to explain options and methods of record expungement.

Space is limited, so please call 724-379-4750 to register.  Flyer below contains all information about the event.


High Priority Occupations (HPOs) are one component of Pennsylvania’s industry-driven approach to workforce development. The purpose of the HPO lists is to align workforce training and education investments with occupations that are in demand by employers, have higher skill needs and are most likely to provide family sustaining wages. Combining statistical data with regional expert input allow for a complete picture of the actual workforce needs of the commonwealth.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Workforce System has established High Priority Occupations (HPOs) where more than $10 million in education and training dollars are targeted for investment in key occupations. These occupations are those in demand by employers, have higher skill needs, and are most likely to provide family-sustaining wages.

The Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board is seeking feedback and requests for additional High Priority Occupations for the 2017-2018 program year.

Please note: There has been a change in the occupations listed.  You can review the 2016 HPO list that is attached below.  We have highlighted all occupations that have been removed from the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Area list.

Please review: the 2017 Southwest Corner Workforce Area Draft list that is attached.  We have highlighted the additions to the draft list.

All Completed applications, along with required documentation, must be sent to Ami Gatts, Director, via email at and/or  A hard copy of materials may also be sent via U.S. mail to: Ami Gatts, Director, Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, 351 West Beau Street, Suite 300, Washington, PA 15301

This notification is only for the HPO Petition Process and does not serve as a notice for adding programs to the Eligible Training Provider List. 



HPO Petition Form 2017

Title I RFP Released

On behalf of the Commissioners of Beaver, Greene, and Washington Counties, the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, incorporating Beaver, Greene, and Washington Counties in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is soliciting proposals for Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker Services for the Workforce Innovation and Investment Act (WIOA) program years 2017-2019.  Interested service providers can download the RFP beneath this announcement. Proposals are due on or before 4:00 pm, April 20, 2017.

Title I RFP Released